

Traditional Braces have been at the forefront of tooth movement for over 50 years, and we are proud to offer this treatment to help correct the smiles of our patients. 

Braces are brackets and wires that are placed on the teeth, to move the root and crown of the tooth, into the most ideal position in the mouth. It engages the scientific principles of orthopaedic remodelling to gradually move the teeth through the bone into a new position. Braces offer a controlled application of force, and every movement is tailored to the patient’s desired end result. 

Crowded or misaligned teeth have a dramatic impact on self esteem, social interactions, desired look, and the health/functioning of the teeth and jaw joints. No concern is too small when analysing a course of treatment, as we recognise the impact it can have holistically. This is why we understand that braces can provide an affordable and effective avenue to regain control of these concerns. Our team focus deeply on improving any aspect that is important to you, as well as advising on how to achieve the best result clinically, in a timely manner. 

At Merrylands Professional Dental we recognise a harmonious result includes both the aesthetic look and functioning of the teeth. Hence, orthodontic correction of teeth with braces can additionally provide benefits to jaw relationships, chewing function, airway passages and resting position, and the maintenance of your oral health. By positioning the teeth in the most ideal points in your mouth, we often see an increase in the health of the teeth, gums and jaws.

There is no ideal age for consideration of braces, but we recommend coming in for a consultation at earlier stages of development. Usually an assessment at around the age of 7-9 years old is necessary in determining whether interceptive orthodontic treatment is required. With this we can appropriately plan orthodontic treatment, often preventing or reducing lengthy procedures. In saying this, any person at any age is welcome to have an assessment for correction of misaligned teeth with braces. 

If this is of interest to you, and you would like further information, please contact us, or book a consultation today, we would love to assist you in achieving your confident smile.